Data Export Organization and Format

Once you have successfully configured Data Export, updates will be published to your S3 bucket every 24 hours. The organization and structure of these exports is specified below.


Directory Structure

ProsperOps will create the following directory structure in your export S3 bucket.

  • intelligent_showback
    • v1
      • <file>
  • savings
    • compute
      • v1
        • <file>

The intelligent_showback directory contains CSV files representing the visible data in the Intelligent Showback view of the ProsperOps console.

The savings directory contains a single CSV file representing Savings dashboard metrics, with rows representing each month Autonomous Discount Management has been enabled. The final row of this file represents the current (unfinalized) month.

File Structure

  • Intelligent Showback
    • One file is available for each month ProsperOps has been active
    • The naming and structure of these export files mimics that which is displayed and available for download in the ProsperOps console
      • Name
        • prosperops-showback-yyyy-mm-managementAccountNumber-savingsReallocationMethod-savingsShareIfIncluded.csv
        • Example:
          • prosperops-showback-2024-12-XXXXXXXXXXXX-shared_benefit-savings_share.csv
    • Name 
      • prosperops-savings-managementAccountNumber-compute-monthly.csv
      • Example:
        • prosperops-savings-XXXXXXXXXXXX-compute-monthly.csv
    • Rows 
      • One row for each month ProsperOps has been active
    • Columns (see below)
Column Name Type Description
month_start string The first day of the month represented by the corresponding row (yyyy-mm-dd)
is_finalized boolean TRUE if the month is complete, FALSE if not
effective_savings_rate decimal Effective Savings Rate achieved in the given month
effective_savings_rate_prior_to_subscription decimal effective_savings_rate_prior_to_subscription
compute_usage decimal What you would have paid your cloud provider without discounts (actual)
compute_spend decimal What you actually paid your cloud provider, with prepay amortized (actual)
gross_savings decimal How much you saved on your cloud bill (actual)
net_savings decimal Your savings net of ProsperOps' charge (actual)
compute_usage_normalized decimal What you would have paid your cloud provider without discounts (normalized)
compute_spend_normalized decimal What you actually paid your cloud provider, with prepay amortized (normalized)
gross_savings_normalized decimal How much you saved on your cloud bill (normalized)
net_savings_normalized decimal Your savings net of ProsperOps' charge (normalized)
savings_share_actual decimal ProsperOps share of savings generated
portfolio_actions integer The number of actions our service has taken to purchase, modify, and optimize your commitments
reserved_instance_utilization_percentage decimal Your overall reserved instance utilization
savings_plan_utilization_percentage decimal Your overall savings plan utilization
inherited_savings decimal Savings generated from commitments you purchased before ProsperOps (actual)
base_savings decimal Savings generated from savings plans
flex_savings decimal Savings generated from ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_boost_savings decimal Savings generated from Flex Boosted Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
smart_savings decimal Savings generated from ProsperOps smart commitments
unbilled_savings decimal Savings generated from unbilled commitments
inherited_savings_normalized decimal Savings generated from commitments you purchased before ProsperOps (normalized)
base_savings_normalized decimal Savings generated from savings plans (normalized)
flex_savings_normalized decimal Savings generated from ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (normalized - AWS Compute only)
flex_boost_savings_normalized decimal Savings generated from Flex Boosted Convertible RIs (normalized - AWS Compute only)
smart_savings_normalized decimal Savings generated from ProsperOps smart commitments (normalized)
unbilled_savings_normalized decimal Savings generated from unbilled commitments (normalized)
base_one_year_percentage decimal Percent of your portfolio composed of 1 Year savings plans
base_one_year_discount_percentage decimal Discount percentage received from 1 Year savings plans
base_three_year_percentage decimal Percent of your portfolio composed of 3 Year savings plans
base_three_year_discount_percentage decimal Discount percentage received from 3 Year savings plans
flex_one_year_percentage decimal Percent of your portfolio composed of 1 Year ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_one_year_discount_percentage decimal Discount percentage received from 1 Year ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_three_year_percentage decimal Percent of your portfolio composed of 3 Year ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_three_year_discount_percentage decimal Discount percentage received from 3 Year ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_boost_one_year_percentage decimal Percent of your portfolio composed of 1 Year Flex Boosted ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_boost_one_year_discount_percentage decimal Discount percentage received from 1 Year Flex Boosted ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_boost_three_year_percentage decimal Percent of your portfolio composed of 3 Year Flex Boosted ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_boost_three_year_discount_percentage decimal Discount percentage received from 3 Year Flex Boosted ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
unbilled_one_year_percentage decimal Percent of your portfolio composed of 1 Year unbilled commitments
unbilled_one_year_discount_percentage decimal Discount percentage received from 1 Year unbilled commitments
unbilled_three_year_percentage decimal Percent of your portfolio composed of 3 Year unbilled commitments
unbilled_three_year_discount_percentage decimal Discount percentage received from 3 Year unbilled commitments
on_demand_percentage decimal Percent of your total spend made up of on-demand usage
blended_discount_percentage decimal Your total discount percentage, weighted by allocation
inherited_spend_coverage decimal Dollar amount coverage of inherited commitment
inherited_spend_coverage_percentage decimal Percent coverage of inherited commitment
base_spend_coverage decimal Dollar amount coverage of savings plans
base_spend_coverage_percentage decimal Percent of savings plan coverage
flex_spend_coverage decimal Dollar amount coverage of ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_spend_coverage_percentage decimal Percent of ProsperOps optimized Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_boost_spend_coverage decimal Dollar amount coverage of ProsperOps Flex Boosted Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
flex_boost_spend_coverage_percentage decimal Percent coverage of ProsperOps Flex Boosted Convertible RIs (AWS Compute only)
smart_spend_coverage decimal Dollar amount coverage of ProsperOps smart commitments
smart_spend_coverage_percentage decimal Percent coverage of smart commitments
unbilled_spend_coverage decimal Dollar amount coverage of unbilled commitments
unbilled_spend_coverage_percentage decimal Percent coverage of unbilled commitments
uncovered_usage decimal Dollar amount of on-demand spend
overall_spend_coverage decimal Dollar amount of total spend coverage
overall_spend_coverage_percentage decimal Percent of total spend coverage